Monday, May 24, 2010

Karaoke Night. :D

Wednesday-Thursday, May 19-20, 2010 @ Studio Onnie, MTS

It was suddenly Vanessa's birthday! hahaha! :)

Dr. Valdez, Sir Ray, Weng, Vanessa, and I. :D

Endless Love, dedicated to Vanessa on her birthday. :)) The host asked Dr. Valdez what the occasion was, since we were celebrating that night. He was caught off-guard. We actually didn't have any celebration. Then poof! An idea came out. He pointed at our table and said, "It's Vanessa's Birthday today!" hahaha! :))

Caught up by singing the night away. Weng was sort of pissed off because his requested song wasn't played. Srsly, I'm not even familiar with that FACE DOWN song. :D Singing on stage really is embarrassing but once you've get the knack of it, you'll love it all the way. :))

Weng is the Top Student in our batch. He's the only one who got an average if 90 above in our final grades. They call him alien, a guy with a photographic memory, monster.. hahaha! We didn't know each other until recently, when we started going out together. He really wasn't the geek that you'll be expecting. He's just someone whom you can laugh with and joke around with especially when he gets drunk. Maybe he can actually shower me with some of his intelligence. hahaha! :D

Clearly, something's wrong. hahaha! It's already 3:30 in the morning and we stopped by Dimsum Diner for some hot soup. The guys were even looking for a microphone and a Karaoke machine. hahaha! The strict compliance of curfew in Davao spoiled their fun. :D Sleepy head, Sir Ray. And he had to work at 8am. He's an E.R. Nurse at Brokenshire Hospital. :D


Tim said...

Good choice with Endless Love! That is one of my favourite songs when I'm on a Karaoke Machine. It looks like you had a great time to with the pictures! I've bought myself a great karaoke system courtesy of Sing To The World and can't wait to arrange a karaoke night at mine in the near future!