Saturday, July 08, 2006

Pain of Poverty

It was our last day of duty in Toril Proper for our Community Health Nursing. We were supposed to have some culmination activity for the community to enjoy.

But something shocked us as we arrived in our community. Houses were broken down by Gaisano's demolition team. It was a surprise seeing that those houses were still standing up the day before then now, you can see nothing but all foundations left, being hammered down.

This is one example of the pain of poverty. Of course, these people have nowhere to go now that their houses were destroyed. I understand the owner because in the first place, these people are just squatting. But what pains me is seeing the hopelessness on their faces, destroying their own houses since that'll what happen.

These people haven't been promised for a relocation. No one knew where they would go. They have been promised with it before, but it sisn't turn out good. Now, seeing them grathering all their things, saying goodbye to what they once called home is what really pained me a lot.

Even though they do not have their own place to build a house in, these peiople still have feelings and even though I saw the smiles on their faces as they left, I still know that deep inside them, the pain they feel is as worse as the way their houses are destroyed

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Just Like Heaven

It has been a while since I've seen movies. And when I borrowed a DVD of Just Like Heaven from my friend, I never knew that I would fall in love with this one.

This movie stars Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo who both came from two different worlds.

Reese plays a very busy Doctor, Elizabeth Masterson who devoted all her life in the hospital. She has no husband, no family to take care of. she only has her sister whom she seldom visits because of her schedule.

One night after she was accepted in her hospital as an Attending Physician, she met an accident on her way home.

Three months after, David (Mark Ruffalo) arrived at san Francisco and rented a nice little apartment owned by Elizabeth. There he started seeing Elizabeth's spirit who doesn't know she's already dead.

Or was she really dead? As David and Lizzie found out who she really was, they also found out that she isn't dead but on a coma for three months.

They both looked for a way to stop Lizzie's sister from signing the agreement on pulling her life support. Finally, because of his love for Lizzie, he finally decided to steal her body.

As an ending to the movie, Lizzie came back to life when david kissed her lips. But she can no longer remember him. not knowing that only a touch could bring it all back together and that happened.

This movie tells the fun of meeting someone in the afterlife. Or in the present life but not really alive. David and Lizzie were supposed to meet each other through a friend of David and Lizzie's sister the night when she met an accident. They met while Lizzie's on a coma, meaning they really are meant for each other.

See the joy of seeing someone you will love in the future. Even if it's a live person or a spirit.