Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Vow that will Never Take Place

“I do”. It’s every woman’s dream to say those words in front of the love of her life, her family, and all her loved ones.

But what happens when this vow will never take place again; after months of planning one would just decide to call it off, and break it? What would happen to all the years of thinking about it, and asking friends, and family for advice?

Marriage is indeed one way for a couple to settle down. But what if they realize they aren’t ready to become one, to live in the same roof, to start a family? Or what if one of them isn’t ready, or what if one of them isn’t even sure if he wants to get married at this time?

Is calling off a wedding the right thing to do? Would one just waste everything they have prepared just because they decided not to get married? Or maybe there is a way for the couple to talk about their differences, or the reason why they had to call it off.

Weddings are one of the things people look forward to. Sometimes, the guests, sponsors, Maid of Honor are the ones more excited than the bride and groom. But when things take its turn and everything is halted, we can’t help but feel bad, because this dream wedding that we keep on picturing in our minds won’t seem to happen anymore.