Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Global Warming - What Can We Actually Do?

I was watching GMA's SIGNOS last Sunday and was thinking as they were telling us about the signs of Global Warming and how much would it affect our world in the next 100 years.

It has been 13, 500 years since the last rise of water happened. The water has risen 6 kilometers which actually erased a whole lot of small island pieces off the face of the earth and not longer than a hundred years, if Global Warming will continue, the water from the seas will again rise to 12 kilometers, probably will be able to cover up almost half of the Philippine Peninsula.

I remembered the summer of 2005, when I still have to wear a jacket when going out of the house because it's always so cold. Like everyday, and I never felt anything that's beyond my hotness scale. lol. It was really a total difference just three years after when you already cannot go out of the house, because you'd rather stay inside and have your air-conditioner with you all day.

It's really annoying, especially when there's this important thing that you have to do in the morning and the moment you get out of the house, you'd already feel like you've never taken a bath for several days. You never wanted to style your hair or put make up on because doing so will sweat the hell out of you.

So what can we really do about Global Warming? Can we really help prevent the soon to be HUMAN RACE extinction?

The main reason why there's this Global Warming is because of the newest technology that people nowadays can't live without. Electricity, Gas, Cosmetics, Wireless equipment. All these are material things that our ancestors weren't able to experience during their years but we are already claiming that we would die without them.

I admit I'm one of those claimers. I've been living my whole life off the internet now and cellular phones, televisions, cars...

But to prevent Global Warming doesn't mean that we have to eliminate these advancement that we already lived off in the 21st century; but we have to find ways on how to not use them to the extreme and add up to the CO2 gases that trap the sun's heat from going out of the earth.

Simple stuff like saving electricity, using recyclable materials to prevent garbage, walking on short distances instead of using personal cars, lessening the use of sprays that contain CFC can already help in preventing the advancement of global warming.

Some say that it is already too late for us to stop the progress of this pandemic problem, but as long as billions of people are still alive on the earth and are aware of Global Warming, then it is never too late.

We can still do something about Global Warming. We shouldn't be threatened by the signs rather, we should be motivated to save our mother earth for our future.