Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Graduated Just Now??

Yes, A huge question mark. I had my super duper late graduation today.

A graduation without my batchmates.

A graduation with younger colleagues.

A graduation with my fellow LATE GRADUATES.

A graduation after practicing my profession.

But still, a graduation worth being put in our memories.

So I had this "second thoughts" thing about graduating actually. I finally decided to try marching wearing a toga even if it isn't actually my year of graduation.

I herded my other friends who haven't graduated in our batch and I had Jericho, Erickson, Vernie and Glenn with me.

I thought it'll be awkward but it was indeed fun. Erickson kept on joking that kids were all around us during our practices because indeed, those graduates we were with were a lot younger than us.

How funny has it seemed. But it was a memorable experience. Receiving a fake diploma, transferring my tassel from the left to the right and bowing before a huge number of people onstage, is something worth not forgetting.

Indeed, I didn't regret graduating or let's say marching for graduation this year although it wasn't with my original batchmates. =]