Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Golden Compass

Seeing the trailer of this movie before, I thought that this is gonna be just another of those Fantasy stories that would disappoint me, just like the Bridge to Terabithia.

But I was surprised at how good the story went. Well, not to mention Nicole Kidman's stunning beauty. This was some kind of a Fantasy story for it didn't actually hide the fact that magic or the supernatural exists. Instead, it showed an entirely different world where everyone knew about the existence of talking animals and supernatural beings such as witches.

The movie was really for kids but for adults as well for I actually tried my best to watch this on the little screen known as the portable DVD player, trying hard to listen to the conversations so I would be able to understand the story.

And through this, I was finally able to understand the real meaning of the Golden Compass. That is, to find the truth and to disapprove the heresy being brought upon the worlds by the Magesterium or commonly known as the government.

This may be a Fantasy movie but as I deeply understood the meaning of the story, I would say that somehow, it could also be rlated to the real world where truth was always hidden from innocent people by the government themselves who run these people.

There are certain persons who wanted to find the truth. Who wanted to go against the government's will and even through death, they will try to fight just in search for the truth. The truth that we knew exist yet believe that doesn't.


Nhil said...

Dude, your blog is really different now. I was surprised.. really. :]

You should use haloscan for the comment box. It's way better than blogger's.

Neym Ü said...

haloscan? where do i get that? hahaha!! =]