Saturday, March 02, 2013

Scientists are developing a method of erasing negative emotional memories (like a break-up) using mild electric shocks.

Well, is it really necessary? Do people want to erase the negative emotions that they feel, resulting from unfortunate events?
I don’t think doing that is indeed a good idea. I mean sure, we all want to forget all the bad things that happened to us, the people who hurt us, and the experiences that weakened us…But if we do, then we’re left with nothing but all happy thoughts, positive feelings, beautiful memories. Soon, life will be boring for we will not want to look back on our monotonous happy life anymore, not sure whether we really moved on, or we’re stuck in the same uneventful lifetime.
The painful experiences that we have are part of us being human. It’s a way to tell us that we are weak, and that we need to get hold of ourselves and become stronger, to face more battles ahead.
Negative emotions are signs for us to be able to look back and remember our pains, and say, “Yeah, I’ve moved on, and I’m continuing to move forward and grow up.”