Sunday, July 04, 2010

Saturday night fun! :D

Drinking assorted drinks from 7pm to 2am will definitely give you a terrible headache in the morning. Something like, “I sure am gunna regret this when I wake up!”

But I didn’t. hehehehe. I did have a lot to drink last night, what with the free The Bar in the “Just Dance: The Interschool Band Competition”. :D And so I wonder…Why did they name it JUST DANCE, when it’s a band competition? LOL! :))

Well anyways, our night at Studio Onnie was the best! hahahaha! Rikki and Scarlett were trippin’ on Charlie and Earl. They called the two up on stage and started harassing them. A joking harassment, actually. It’s a comedy bar, for heaven’s sake! :D

After party at the Lakas Atenista event was both fun and embarassing. I just realized what Earl and I did on the stage. hahahaha! -shivers- And we were all dancing like crazy and like there’s no tomorrow. Well, actually there is…A tomorrow of studying. hehehe. :D

So, went home at 4:30 in the morning and slept all morning then woke up at 2 in the afternoon.

Consequence: Allergies and a headache. :D


Maki said...

Hello, Im Maki from Lakas Atenista. A lot of people actually wonder why it's called Just Dance. If we trace back the previous years, Just Dance was actually held as a dance party, tapos inuman lang talaga. This year we decided na mag-expand ng horizon kaya we changed the theme to something like a band showdown among universities, pero niretain pa rin namin yung nakaugaliang pangalan na Just Dance. Kaya ayun. I hope you enjoyed the party.