Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Chronicles of Narnia - The Last Battle (C.S. Lewis)

The final book of the Chronicles of Narnia tells the tale of the final days of this magical country. Set some hundreds of years since the reign of King Rilian the Disenchanted.

This time, the most terrible thing that could happen to Narnia has once again happened and Jill and Eustace came to the rescue with the help of Professor Digory Kirke, Aunt Polly, Peter, Edmund and Lucy and of course, the great Aslan himself.

This final installment of the Chronicles of Narnia showed how a superficial world could end while there is a new and more wonderful life waiting ahead of you. No matter how hopeless you get in your known world, there will always be a real world wherein you can get your hopes higher and live your life longer.

I loved the last chapter of this book where they were able to meet the most legendary people who ruled Narnia. There were the first King and Queen - Frank and Helen - before Jadis the White Witch took over. There was Fledge, the winged horse with whom Polly and Digory flew with as they searched for the golden apple to protect Narnia. Then there was Mr. Tumnus the Faun, Lucy's first ever friend when she first set foot into Narnia. There were Caspian the Seafarer, Nikabrik the Good Dwarf, Reepicheep the Noble Mouse, Trufflehunter the Badger, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, King Rilian the Disenchanted, Cor, Aravis and Corin of Archenland and many others. Of course, if you were able to read everything from the Magician's Nephew until The Silver Chair, then you will be as excited as I was upon seeing their names being mentioned again.

It may be a very deadly ending for the superficial Narnia where the non-believers of Aslan suffered but it was a very good start for those who kept their hearts and faith into the great lion who started and ended Narnia.