Thursday, November 01, 2007


ah, that november 1 fever! hahaha! i really wonder why a lot of people go to the cemetery to visit their deads on november 1 when in fact, the official all souls' day is on november second.

well ok, i admit, i was one of those who had the misconception of thinking that ARAW NG PATAY is dated november first. me and my family actually went to the cemetery to visit my lola who was buried there just today.

the cemetery was packed with people. there are thousands of deads buried there times the number of visitors per dead plus the ones who go there to sell or simply to have fun and have a date. it was really a mess. looked like a huge orgy party was happeniong inside and instead of staying silent to pray for the dead, people party inside their respective tents. much for a HALLOWEEN PARTY! haha!!

speaking of halloween though, where did it actually come from? well during the ancient ireland times, halloween is celebrated as Samhain Feast which means the feast of the end of summer when on october 31st, the dead people will revisit the living world.

soon, when catholicism was introduced, Pope Gregory IV introduced Halloween as All Saints'/Souls' day in memoriam of the dead christians whom they believe will return to visit the living world by the end of October.

ah, so that's how the HALLOWEEN thing started. no wonder all monster and ghost stories come out during halloween because originally, it was really dedicated to the dead and all creatures that aren't from the living world.

so i guess i should really have attened our halloween party last 31st. hahaha! i missed a chance of a lifetime actually because of my laziness, sorry peepz! i'll just make it up to you on november 14th when we will watch One More Chance. hahaha!! rantings...rantings...rantings...i'm actually having flight of ideas here...

so yeah, tomorrow, we're going to Digos City to visit my lola's family's grave and my lolo's grave, too. but i can't go since i have a review tomorrow. awww...poor me.

oh well, it was a fun night, afterall. i had my eyes hurt from those glittering stick lights and blinking flashes! hahaha!!