Thursday, November 08, 2007

David Sunflower Seeds

Eat. Spit. Be Happy!

ever heard of it? well, when my sister's fiancee came here from the united states last april, 2007, he brought this what i called the american version of CAPTAIN SID. haha!!

well, it wasn't only the american version because it was entirely different. it's from sunflower seeds and more, it's falovored!

eat. spit. be happy. why do we have to spit? because unlike our butong pakwan here where we pick one seed, open it with our teeth, and eat the inside.

with these sunflower seeds, we actually put a bunch inside our mouths, taste the flavors, use our tongue to transfer one seed on the other side of our cheek and bite it to open, eat the inside and spit out the shell. feels hard, eh? yeah, at first, it was hardwork. we start with a few seeds first and when we were already able to master the process, we can already put a whole lot of seeds inside our mouth!

it was really fun! indeed, it makes a person happy while eating it! haha! i've been too addicted to it, actually. hehehe..i especially love the HOT flavor where it is really hot! it really kills my tongue but i enjoy eating it! hehehe...

was just glad that steve was too generous to include at least five huge packs of david seeds everytime he sends a package to my sister!