Friday, June 29, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman (Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone)

Watched the premiere of The Amazing Spider-Man last night, starring Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. I was supposed to be boycotting it dramatically, but I had to watch it because it was for the fund-raising of CRIADOS. :p
I like how they featured Gwen Stacy, instead of MJ Watson this time, because most people, from the 3 original Spider-Man movies believed that MJ was Peter Parker’s one and only love interest. I just hope it wouldn’t be too sad when she dies in the sequels. :p
I like the part where Peter invented the web-shooters which was what really happened in the comics, instead of just developing it organically, just like in the previous movies.
I like the new Spider-Man suit better. Or maybe it’s because it’s a 2012 movie, not a 2002 one. lol! :))
I like how Andrew Garfield portrayed Peter Parker. He once said in an interview that he would memorize Tobey Maguire’s lines in the previous films and recite them in the mirror. Maybe that was also the reason why he was able to project the character naturally.
But all in all, the movie had a lot of drama, which was unusual, considering it’s an action-superhero type of film. The reboot was good, but I admit, I like the previous movies better. :)