Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So, from March 30 - April 1, 2011, my friends and I were on the road traveling from Davao to Tagum then to Compostella Valley. :)


Lazy-ing the day with Pat, Charlie, and Jeb. :)


Bird-watching at ECO-Park in Tagum. Saw a really freaky-looking bird. But it was very beautiful. Sort of a cross from an ostrich and a peacock. :)


Soon to be the biggest and most expensive City Hall in all of Mindanao. Next to the biggest Church, of course. :)


Funny thing about the City Hall is that it looks like the entrance to the original NAIA. So what else should we do? TAKE A JUMP SHOT, of course! :))


Feel like doing some pole dancing in public? Then this is the best place, as long as the poles don’t have flags on them yet. :))


It’s just ironic that on this really hot weather, my friends and I decided to try theHot Spring in Compostella Valley. And it’s real Japanese, I say. :)


And then there’s the cold/hot tub that I was talking about. Problem was, the cold water running to it flowed more than the hot. So, why call it a HOT SPRING for that service? lol! :))


I guess this is the only best part in this resort. The Hot Steam Bath. hahaha!! The part where you don’t know whether you’re wet, or you’re excessively sweating. :)


Now this resort actually has private pools you can rent for around 1000-2000 pesos. Each private pool is named after a big city in Japan…For the tsunami purposes, we had a picture at Sendai. :)


Of course we needed a place to stay, and best place to stay was in theOccena Farmville. Yeah, it was named after the infamous Facebook game. :)


Hot is never hot without getting cold. So on our third day, we went to theBamboo Garden where it overflows with extra cold water. Care to freeze? :))


Pat’s dream family photoshoot. Too bad Sephora and Jody weren’t around to join us in this very fun event. But, there you are. The family, all smiles. :)


So, on our way back to Tagum, we saw a vast field with nice view. We couldn’t help but stop over and for a moment feel like we own the place. We briefly called it, “The Hacienda AceTeryahe” :))


What better picture can we take in a beautiful place like this but a pretty nice jump shot. :)


We had a lot of outtakes for this one, because the road was a little narrow for us to line up and not cover each other’s faces when we jump. We were never successful though. :))


Because someday, we’re gonna own something like this. :)


A courtesy photo-session with Ben’s family who never got tired of entertaining us whenever we visit their home. :)