Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I was surprised to find out he actually killed the hostages.

And I don’t think it was his fault. Everything was calm the last time I watched the news. I wasn’t able to follow it because I was out with my friends last night. My sister just told me about what happened when I got home.

It was awful. And after my sister said the whole story, my only conclusion was, “There couldn’t have been any killing if the police didn’t freak out the suspect’s brother or the media didn’t cover it.”

Talk about lack of training. I thought they were already trained well after that incident where the hostage-taker calmly stabbed the kid he was hostaging years ago. Hadn’t they learned their lessons?

Knowing there was a TV in the tour bus,they should have been more careful with their actions. I’m not saying the suspect was all innocent, it’s just that I believe he wouldn’t resort to such brutal actions if everyone remained calm. ESPECIALLY THE POLICE

These guys really need to undergo something they shouldn’t forget in the years to come.

The victims are tourists, for heaven’s sake!