Friday, February 06, 2009

The Fifth Mountain - Paulo Coelho

The Fifth Mountain tells the story of the Biblical Prophet Elijah and his struggles as he tried to find his purpose and God's plans in his life.

Unlike in the Bible, the Fifth Mountain is written in a novel complete with descriptions and conversations of the whole story. It is more descriptive than what is in the bible. Paulo Coelho made out something interesting on a book that half of the population on earth wouldn't care to read.

For everyone who knows about the story of Elijah, you would of course be familiar with the King of Israel in his time, King Ahab marrying the Princess of Tyre, Jezebel who didn't believe in the one God but instead, forced her people to worship Baal, the Phoenician god.

Elijah was forced to leave his home and find another sanctuary in order to live and continue to carry out God's work. However just like some Prophets of his time, he was brought into a test that would falter his belief in the One God.

This story tells us on how God works in our lives. Not everyone who has been fortunate enough to hear God's voice would also be fortunate in his living. God gives each of us tests that we need to overcome and learn lessons from.

Because through these trials and hardships would we be able to understand our purpose in life and His existence. These trials would help us grow into a more intelligent and emotionally mature person by learning the lessons in our lives.

God indeed didn't abandon us when we all feel like He did. Instead of blaming Him, ourselves or others, let's just try to stand up again and rebuild the lost Faith we had and we wouldn't even realize that He has come back into our lives.