Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hey, It Does Not Hurt Anymore

I never thought I would be this happy...I never thought I would be this strong...When you started hitting me on the back, I thought the pain won't subside, I thought the wounds won't heal but hell, it did!...I didn't know that I could do it...Well, with the help of my friends and of God, of course!...You do not invade my mind anymore, you do not make me cry anymore, I do not hurt when i see you with her anymore and I thought it's gonna be doomsday forever...Now I know you're not gonna be the reason for me to fail...I've learned to accept averything and I've learned to let you go...Thanks to you, too...You finally removed the chain that attached me to you...You gave me back the key to re-open my heart and now I'm ready to forget everything and love again...I can't deny the fact that you left a scar in my heart when you wounded it but I know as time goes by, the scars will disappear leaving my heart as full as before I met you...Whew, for a long time I thought I would not be able to let you go or it'll take years or what but in the shortest time I did..Now I've proven I'm still strong enough...Thank you for teaching me everything I have to learn in life...You will still be in my heart but now I will not crave for you...Bye2!...ÜÜÜ